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The construction elevator Accessories how to maintain

2013/4/24 10:24:30

Construction elevator occupies a major factor in the construction process, is frequently used in the construction manned laden construction machinery, construction elevator accessories including mechanical parts, electrical components, the core components. Such as safety device, large frame, standard section, door wheel, and so on. Due to its unique box structure make it take up both comfortable and safe, construction hoist on site with tower crane use, the general deadweight 1-3 tons, it should be how to maintain the construction elevator it
         The construction elevator maintenance work, the focus of attention, to establish a system. Construction lift maintenance work should pay attention to the following important points: first check and make sure reliable way scroll fastening, no distortion, the rack backrest wheel and drive backplane ministries bolts loose; Second, check the ladder cage single, two-door and the bottom limit of the kennel position switch and the point of the heavy lift limit switch, emergency switch, the the ultimate disconnect switch function should be normal, and test opening operation; the third check brake stroke and separation sensitivity, noise does not exceed the run and overheating; final check rail frame structure without deformation, weld fracture phenomena, the coupling should be no loose screws.
Monthly inspection
Brake, brake wheel and brake shoes cohesion closely, loose-gate both sides of the gap is consistent and not more than 0.7mm; coil temperature does not exceed 60 ° C, brake wheel, brake springs no cracks, the fastening screw connection loose, normal traction motor sump oil level, oil color, with leather bellows blowing net motor inner dust; bearing temperature not higher than 80 ° C, speed limiter no abnormal sound, clear folder rope clamp on foreign body safety gear lever working properly, safety gear wedge rail gap 2 to 3mm, spirit and flexible action no rust, check rail guide shoes lining wear, traction rope tension, rope fastening device no abnormal electrical equipment is working properly, no abnormal sound, odor; clean contactors, relays and various electrical components such as dust; Check the contactor contacts, mechanical interlocks reliable action.
Quarter of inspection
Check the motor shaft and the worm connected to different heart of a rigid connection 0.02mm, elastic coupling 0.1mm, brake wheel runout does not exceed 1/3000, various parts of the worm thrust bearing wear, tighten the traction machine fittings, brake band brake wear is not allowed to exceed a thickness of 1/4 or rivets without exposed, the DC motor carbon brush pressure was maintained at 0.15 to 0.25kg / m c, the landing door, the end surface of the car under the door sill gap is not less than 4mm, the inspection door guide shoe, Clean door motor within the charcoal and check the carbon brushes and commutator working conditions, check the car door Stock door traction device, door locks and safety edge contact position. Check the traction rope broken wire (uniform or centralized broken wire), and layer selection transmission strip no broken teeth, cracked, each connecting bolt loose, access to reliable contacts. The buffer spring no rust, cracks, deformation; hydraulic buffer plunger oiled rust, no loose fasteners, overheating, hoistway pipelines, cables and no abnormal. Clean pit Health.
Annual inspection
-Cleaning traction machine bearings, filling calcium-based grease. The gearbox oil qualitative change dilute replacement and cleaning with kerosene, the check traction machine insulation resistance should be greater than 0.5M. Traction sheave rope groove wear condition of ≤ 1 mm gap in the rope round the edge of the bottom of the tank when the sheave grooves to heavy vehicles. Car door and landing door conduct a comprehensive inspection, correct the distortion layer car door, replace the badly worn hanger rollers, cleaning lubrication door interlocks bearing, trim door lock switch, examine and adjust the automatic door mechanism, replace the door motor brush trimmed door limit switch, retarder switch. Check rail frame, rail clips, rail connecting plate, tighten the connecting bolts. Check the counterweight, strong balance bracket without loosening; connecting bolts fastening of heavy axle pallets bolt and parts. Electrical equipment is a comprehensive and detailed examination; replacement of life due contactors, relays, switches and other electrical components, check the electrical equipment insulation withstand voltage must be greater than 000V power line is not less than 0.5M, the other circuits 0.25MΩ circuit voltage in 25V except for the inspection of electrical equipment enclosure grounding zero device, grounding resistance should be less than 4 ohms.
Based on the above projects, at different times of the elevator to finish the cycle plan to repair to a case-by-case basis after registration, and the contents of the three systems at the same time deposit portfolio in the elevator overhaul comprehensive reference. Maintenance personnel, such as serious by the above system regularly repairs and maintenance, elevator common faults and accidents can be prevented the Elevator Safety normal operation and will have a reliable guarantee.
         The construction elevator Accessories routine maintenance to ensure the smooth progress of the project and the safety of construction workers, corporate officers to be on time and according to the system maintenance construction elevator accessories

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