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Take the elevator safety eight know

2014/1/23 10:31:18

Elevator floor high-rise residents commute daily to go through the place, true riding is about personal safety an important part , therefore , take the elevator knowledge must understand clearly . For themselves, for friends, for loved ones , just in case. Please learn together : the proper use of the elevator accessories safe assistant professor of allergy and immunology at New York City, Dr. Jennifer Collins found that the elevator buttons are hospitals, office buildings in the center brings together a variety of bacteria , it is easy to spread various diseases ? .
1 When the elevator pressing the elevator button to go to the elevator Wash hands thoroughly after using the elbow .
(2) Do not go to work sick : Not only would pose a threat to the health of my colleagues , but also to make their cold longer.
Severe colds should leave to rest at home , reduce virus transmission range.
(3) Do not eat junk food : Junk food nutrients imbalance , even slight malnutrition can also affect people's ability to resist disease and infection.
Should eat foods rich in vitamin C, minerals, fruits and green leafy vegetables.
4 Do not touch the backrest
Find a seat in the compartment when hands will naturally touch the seat back , but other people may accumulate bacteria on the hands of these seat backrest , cough droplets , food debris.
So , try not to touch the back , home wash their hands immediately .
5 Do not share office products and colleagues. The virus spread by hand , so try not to share the pen and colleagues , the other office supplies, and then every day after work best disinfectant scrub thoroughly over the table.
6 completely quit smoking : smoke after being inhaled , respiratory tract mucus and disrupt the protective layer of cells, and thus the loss of function against invading pathogens , people more vulnerable to cold . Therefore, to the health of themselves and their families, to completely quit smoking.
7 Do not choose the middle of the bathroom toilet seat . Toilet toilet seat usage among the highest , so a maximum of bacteria. Wash hands thoroughly after going to the best piece of paper off the tap when the pad .
8 . Towels not all over the place . Towel misplacing may stain the towel on a table or other virus , so everyone should have a separate towel , and always on his position.
Tips ; If for elevator parts factory producing substandard products caused the elevator malfunction trapped in the elevator, you do not panic or casually poke poke , beat elevator control buttons or keyboard. First, you look at whether the phone box car , if a call should dial calls to your friends or maintenance personnel , if not remember these phones , you can dial " 110 " request police help ; secondly , press sedan the alarm bell alarm boxes are ; again, you can shout or beat the car door , to draw attention to seek outside assistance . Never from the top of the car , because it is possible to stop the elevator between two people can not get out . Even in the door and check the position , landing door open, you still can not get out . The most dangerous is the car surrounded by a larger space , fear on the top , in the dark environment is difficult to discern the orientation , calling people will fall into the well , and, in case of a sudden the elevator started, you can hardly cope with the best predicament would be to wait for rescue.

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