Product Catalogue

Elevator parts

2013/11/8 16:48:36

Elevator traction machine needs oil lubrication. In the outer garment of traction machine, there are two calibration, open the nozzle to check the oil should be in the middle of the two calibration, if oil is lower than the scale below, you should said to traction machine, if you don't come on, the operation of the elevator long time will can not get a good lubrication, leading to the elevator traction machine and the burning of the motor. Elevator running after a long time should change in time after oil, keep the traction machine is always fresh and well lubricated.
2. The elevator car cleaning and lubrication of the guide shoe. As is known to all, guide shoe run on rails, guide boots with oil cup, to make the elevator in the operation of the sound does not produce friction must be regularly to clean oil and oil cup guide shoe, and should be clean health capsules.
3. The maintenance of the elevator hall door and the car door. The elevator fault occurs more commonly in the elevator hall door and the car door, so we should pay attention to the maintenance of the hall door, the car door. Is a door on the candy on the go place to go, keep good lubrication, the elevator will not in the running and the door open in the unpleasant sounds. Pay attention to the safety of the elevator contact or touch screen type plate switch line inspection, because the elevator doors frequency is higher, can make the switch line is damaged, which requires the maintenance personnel must check in every job, the change will change in advance, don't let the user because the problem of door of elevator product quality.

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